Vague 100 at bar 10

Vague Research Studios held the 100 Year Jubilee at Bar10, Konstepidemin. Vague Research Studios featuring Hannes Nilsson celebrated with the premiere of performance “Year 0”.


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Blue + Pink >>> Rethink

The iGDN exhibition “Blue+PInk>>>Rethink” ,designxport Hamburg is now opened. Our new piece “Norm vs Fluidity”, by Milena Karlsson, Kajsa G. Eriksson and Lena Berglin, was exhibited for the first time.


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The Lurker

Two weeks ago, a cold and rainy day, a Lurker showed up in the studio and told us about some very exciting sound experiments. To be continued next week in a sound and material workshop at Vänmötet.


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Vague Research Studios visiting Detroit

Vague Research Studios visited Detroit as a preparation for “The Hidden” project.  VRS also visited Lawrence University of Technology, School of Architecture and Design and their Design Studio in Detroit.


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